Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Rants

Perhaps it is just my pregnancy hormones surging, but I am completely disgusted with men. Every day, some stupid-ass male at school tries to flirt with me. It's really pathetic. Now, this might appear to be flattering on the surface, except for one minor detail: I am obviously pregnant. What kind of man tries to flirt with a random, pregnant stranger? Now, I know testosterone makes you stupid, but this is just ridiculous. Do they think a woman who is pregnant is obviously "easy"? Coz, if so, they should talk to Jay. I think he would disagree. I can't take this kind of attention as a compliment, because anyone who would attempt to start up a flirtatious conversation with a pregnant stranger is the type of man who will dry-hump anything that moves. Move along, Sparky, and leave me alone!

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